Inner Awakening- what is it?

The program with the name inner awakening is just like the name - awesome.  It is the awakening of YOU.  It is so interesting how we manage to live for so many years and have no idea what our True Self is.  Interesting that learning about our true self is not even a priority.  
We are settled, we accepted, we are fine, no change or growth needed and a little bit of fear is there too.  Who knows what will happen if we learn about this true self?  Will we stop loving our loved ones?  Will we stop caring about them?  Or maybe we will stop caring about going to work?  Unknown unknown.
This program (some of the readers of this blog asked me to explain) is exactly about the discovery and pampering that true self.  It is about liberation from a lot of fears.  It is about leaving gilt behind, it is about loving and caring, it is about Life.    You will not have a lot of time or interest to think about your family or household or work.  You will be very busy with yourself but at the end of the process your family, work, relations will be able to breath around you with joy if they choose to.  If they still prefer fights they will be fighting alone because you will be an observer of the drama but not an active participant and the recovery from these fights even if you have them will be minimal.   If they decide to feel loved, you will create an ocean for them to swim.  
I was thinking about the fights not only because I did experience it but also so much drama happens all the time and the word "stress" is a part of the vocabulary of every child not just adults.  Tell me when do they start to use that word?  Too early anyway.
this is the information about the event that will answer more questions about the program.  Happy Journey!

This past week Nithyananda has revealed fascinating new lessons about Karma, healing, anti-aging, and how your life path is revealed in the very structure of your DNA!
So to make you experience these new Truths, Parmahamsa Nithyananda has declared that the Inner Awakening Program this Dec 1st will be actively using new initiations, healings, and meditations.  
So how does it work, to what specific aspects of your life it will transform.
THIS SUNDAY Oct 31st is the first-ever online Inner Awakening "Open House," where you will learn about these new lessons from Nithyananda, and go on a virtual tour of Inner Awakening.  If you've already decided to go to Inner Awakening, are considering it, or just want more "insider secrets" this will be a great 60 minutes for you.  There will be a Live uncensored Q&A session for you to receive direct personal guidance from Swami Sri Nithya Sachitananda, so bring any and all questions!
>> click here for info on the "IA Open House" online event
This is a FREE interactive online event hosted especially for you by the senior-most Swami disciples of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, where you will learn more about the upcoming program and get a chance to ask any and all questions.  
WHEN: Sunday, Oct 31st / 10:00am PST -- (1:00pm EST)
WHERE: Online Event - click below for instructions on how to join

>> click here for info on the "IA Open House" online event
There will be a brief time for announcements about the new Inner Awakening Cirriculum, then LIVE Q&A!  Due to many requests, there will also be an overview of Nithyananda's recent revelations on your unique DNA blueprint, healing, your Karma and individual Spiritual Pa!th.


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