Do all meditaions make me feel something extraodinary?

No, definitely not.  I am one of those hard to break things.  I have a lot of expectations as well  and that itself negates the actual experience because I always compare to a fantasy.  But still there are a lot of people in our group who experience things with such intensity that I am a little bit jealous.  Some of them are levitating on a regular basis!
Paramahamsa Nithyananda however knows what he is doing so I keep reminding myself that it is all greed for a perfect experience and  maybe the fear of not achieving.  I do have a Master so this fear does not make sense and the greed should just get lost.  The Master says I got it, so I got it.
Another  thing: he divides people who go through experiences into two groups.  Both groups are going on a  train.  One group travels with open windows and beautiful views and another group travels with closed windows.  At the end it does not matter because both groups will reach destination.  The journey of the second group might not be as exciting but there is a danger for the first group: one might get confused and think about one of the experiences as a final experience and that would throw you back on your spiritual path.  
Well, I do not think that danger applies to me.  Just kidding...


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