
Another interesting phenomena during the trips to India is that all small knowledge that I happened to have  before about India came to my present life in some form.
The first time which was three years ago I found a museum of Nicholas and Svetoslav Roerich in Bangalore and learned that they actually lived for some time not far from here.
This year it went into the yoga information.  I remember my first book about yoga and Sri Aurobindo and Mother that I was reading some 20 years ago.  It all seemed so far and so difficult to relate but the ideas were so profound.   Anyway, one of the girls (she is from Brasil) took a trip to an ashram and she was sitting at lunch telling a beautiful story about some gold dome and special white meditation place with a city where people just leave by sharing what they can do.  I was listening  to her and noticed that the headache that I was having the whole morning is gone.  I wanted to know more about that place.   turns out it is the Sri Aurobindo ashram and his works I was reading.  check it out
Other place that I loved was Sivananda Ashram in upstate New York.  well, we got books that Swamiji ordered and one of them is by him.  Coincidences.


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