"People are like flowers. All unique, all beautiful "- Alice Sungurov

Introducing you to my new project and probably a show. 
I was walking through Chelsea galleries, looking at the spaces where the art can be shared, contemplating if I were to share such a happening, what it would be about. 
Later the same week, I was talking to my daughter and she mentioned my love for a spiritual story that creates a new breakthrough, an aha moment, a click. One thought led to another and I committed to creating at least 10 new paintings within the series "An artist's experience of spiritual stories" 
I truly love them. I use them with my coaching clients, I use them in my creative classes. The section of my new art book for parents is about illustrating the spiritual stories and whys and hows.
So what story to choose?
I decided to start with mine.
"People are like flowers. All unique, all beautiful "- Alice Sungurov
Those who know me remember that I love selfies. Technically they are called "Us"es. Many people looking straight into the camera eye and you can see nothing but faces on that photograph... 
It was 2011. Alice and I went to attend the Inner Awakening program. I was a translator volunteer for two of my friends and my daughter was in a program called En-genious. We stayed in one room so I had a chance to see her every day. It was hard to comprehend at that time the profound impact the program was having on her. To give you a glimpse, she walked out of a learning disability completely. The emotional stability, the depth of her being though was hard to grasp for me. Also when you are surrounded by people who all think that love, compassion, wisdom, and enlightenment are the goals worth pursuing, any idea like that expressed by your child seemed pretty normal That month was amazing. The connection that I experienced with my childhood friend and her husband for whom I was translating transformed our loving relationship to a whole new level that I did not know existed. 
We came back. First I met with the attitude that "oh, what, you are too holly now" and "the child does not eat meat!" and "how can you not eat meat! what have you done as a mother!" (thinking now of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. "He eats NO meat! Oh, ok I will cool lamb then") I felt lost from time to time because I did not know how to incorporate all that new knowledge and vibration into my life. 
One day, I was putting things away in my daughter's room and a drawing of flowers caught my eye. "People are like flowers. All beautiful. All unique". I called my daughter and asked if it was hers. "Yes, Mom", she said. "I figured it out." 
My first click, my huge opening into oneness happened at that moment. I saw the whole world as a huge flower field. The field of flowers or the field of flowers called people. And I never stopped looking at it this way.
I realized a lot more about oneness since then but this one strong experience of the uniqueness and beauty happened at that time.
...I love taking selfies or "us" es. You know why? Because we look like a bouquet of flowers.
So I can only quote Claude Monet: “I must have flowers, always, and always.”


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