"Live in integrity, experience love. Contemplate. Create. “ - M. Biryukov, the Artist

My roots. I had such huge support growing up. The Universe is an amazing mother. Always takes care of her children. My step father and my God father and the best dad on the planet, Mikhail Biryukov  was my gift from the Universe and the door to myself.
It‘s his birthday today 🔥🎨 Born an artist, lived an artist, passed away an artist. Never was he confused about who he was, always took responsibility for people around him, always shared what he created. The legend.
I miss him. I miss him so much
He was born on November 24, 1927 in a small village near Ryazan called Dobryatino. He started drawing and painting at 4 y.o. stealing paper and pencils from his older siblings. He wanted to have his own paper and pencils and since the only way to get those at that time was through school, he learned the alphabet and showed up at the elementary school two years ahead the required age. His passion for drawing and painting never subsided. He started his career as a professional artist in 1952 by participating in the grand all country exhibit. Hundreds art shows and art in museums and private collections around the world later, he is remembered as a person of incredible dignity and dedication to his craft. He always was humbled by nature, God’s creation and felt, nothing needs to be improved in it. People just need to see. His art and message continues :
”Live in integrity, experience love. Contemplate. Create." - M. Biryukov


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