Can being spiritual help you in your work?

We had a very interesting session today.  The topic was our working environment and how we can bring this different approach to life into our work place.    Actually it was one of the eye opening experiences for me.  The main message was through inspiration and identifying the reason (or "why")  of  your work/business. 
At the end of the day the senior swami came to share his experience.  He lives right now as a swami and a sanyasi  and …a very highly paid consultant for billion dollars corporations.  His wife, two daughters and him joined the ashram in 2004 quitting highly paid job, selling everything and moving into the ashram.   Ashram did not even look like an ashram at that time.  There was a mystical banyan tree and several little huts.  Some of my class mates were asking him how he combines these things and he answers so simply:”I am just in intuition zone.  I do not know how it happens and why they are paying me that much to be on all these boards.”  He was describing some beautiful experiences he had over the years and he was relaxed and smiling and then the phone rang and he started talking about some legal documents and nothing changed in him.    He was still radiating enlightenment  with his peaceful smile and such quick decision making abilities.  As he says: “ I have no idea how it all happened to me.  Just God’s grace.”


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