Showing posts from November, 2018
How to manifest what we want in life
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First we need to understand that the same way as we send our children to school, we get them books, backpacks, colored pencils, notebooks. Everything they might need. God too sends us here fully equipped to live a blissful life and manifest whatever we want. We accidentally and illogically get impossibility ideas and they prevent our manifestation. So first when you learn to manifest, start with one desire. Our inner space is limited and can hold only one desire at a time. Then we need to get integrated to that desire. There is a gap between what we do and what we want. We often do the opposite of what we want. We want to be successful and rich but then we do not want to work. That gap is called vasana.Visualize and intensify your desire. Every time you experience the doubt, complete with the doubt using the science of completion. Spend 21 days creating the space of happening of this desire.
Saying "I love you " to her
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"One king had a lot of land. His kingdom was strong, and he felt very powerful. He was still searching if there are some secrets about the power that he needs to know. One day an enlightened master was passing by this kingdom. The king asked the guards to invite him to the palace. The master agreed to speak with the king. “I want to know the most important secret about power,” the king said. “Ok,” said the Master and asked to go to the king’s garden. They walked together through the garden and then the Master stopped in front of the rose bush on one side and a cactus plant on the other. “See,” said the Master. “The rose tree never tries to be like or grow into a cactus plant, and the cactus plant never tries to be or grow into a rose plant. That is the real secret of power.” I help people overcome the desire to compare themselves to someone else or try to become someone they admire all the time in my coaching practice or just in life. ...
"Live in integrity, experience love. Contemplate. Create. “ - M. Biryukov, the Artist
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My roots. I had such huge support growing up. The Universe is an amazing mother. Always takes care of her children. My step father and my God father and the best dad on the planet, Mikhail Biryukov was my gift from the Universe and the door to myself. It‘s his birthday today 🔥 . 🎨 Born an artist, lived an artist, passed away an artist. Never was he confused about who he was, always took responsibility for people around him, always shared what he created. The legend. I miss him. I miss him so much He was born on November 24, 1927 in a small village near Ryazan called Dobryatino. He started drawing and painting at 4 y.o. stealing paper and pencils from his older siblings. He wanted to have his own paper and pencils and since the only way to get those at that time was through school, he learned the alphabet and showed up at the elementary school two years ahead the required age. His passion for drawing and painting never subsided. He started his career as a pro...
"People are like flowers. All unique, all beautiful "- Alice Sungurov
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Introducing you to my new project and probably a show. I was walking through Chelsea galleries, looking at the spaces where the art can be shared, contemplating if I were to share such a happening, what it would be about. Later the same week, I was talking to my daughter and she mentioned my love for a spiritual story that creates a new breakthrough, an aha moment, a click. One thought led to another and I committed to creating at least 10 new paintings within the series "An artist's experience of spiritual stories" I truly love them. I use them with my coaching clients, I use them in my creative classes. The section of my new art book for parents is about illustrating the spiritual stories and whys and hows. So what story to choose? I decided to start with mine. "People are like flowers. All unique, all beautiful "- Alice Sungurov Those who know me remember that I love selfies. Technically they are called "Us"es. Many people looking straig...
Lifeless outside
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We often look at the object or a person and see the outer layer only. We judge that person based on the layer we see but even at that moment something inside that person might surprise us. There is still a possibility of beauty. I was setting up my puja and noticed that my orange roses were not looking very fresh although I bought them yesterday. I did not know if I even should use them for puja and all of a sudden I decided to open the roses more. Vibrant color of pure gold showed up! I decorated my padhukas with these orange bursts and thought that people might be like these flowers: old but with memories and colors of the life energy they carry when they only came to this planet.
Acharya or Teacher
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Organs of the body will stay fresh if tiredness of life is not happening. So one way of achieving it is through teaching others. We learn to look at problems from a distance and it transforms our own life. If a person wants to expand, she needs to continuously create and share with the world. If a person does not create and share, he or she will feel and get stuck. In Vedic tradition a teacher is not higher than a student. It is a student who makes a person into a teacher. Teachers can not be self-centered Playing the role of a teacher, the teacher is enriched even more than a student. If a teacher is not enriched by his own teachings, does not come with new truths, techniques, methods, various groups and levels, do not listen to this kind of teacher. Pain is the method to measure ignorance. Indian education system was an awakening s;system. it was a non-violent education system.
Same story over and over..
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I noticed that I experience slight irritation when I am listening to the same story over and over. My compassion goes down. I remembered how compassionate Swamiji is although he is listening to the same story again and again. Maybe different people tell the same story, or same people tell the same story, he sees them every time for the first time and listens every time for the first time. So the healing, completion happens. Our boredom and assumptions make us feel that the story is the same and the person is the same. It breaks the listening space and, in turn, it breaks the healing space for the person who is trying to share. Sometimes it is difficult to stop yourself from getting bored but complete. Complete and people around you might have a better chance of being heard. You too might create a better chance for yourself of being heard.