Teens and our "Broken Wings"

Listen to the song my daughter wrote for her 16th  birthday. "NEW BORN KINGS" 
She met Swamiji when she was 9 years old.  She is 16 now.  She has "wings".  By the way, she is not the only one.  Every teen whom I met in the programs that my Guru conducts has the same spirit that Life is a Possibility.
How about you?  Do you still remember the excitement to start living your own life?  So many of us after experiencing difficulties or disappointments decided that these "wings" are not real, that we can not do what we wanted to do because life is not about that; that life is a burden and you are a little part in a huge mechanism where you are supposed to follow the rules that others create for you, you need to shrink a little to fit somewhere, to be accepted and approved.   If you are not following the rules, then something is going to be wrong. It is dangerous.  By the way, we are in fact parts of a very huge thing but we need to be open and creative and innovative and loving to experience our true nature and potential.  In this energy, individual creativity is not a threat but a design itself.    The rules in this energy are very different.  They are not about steps that sound like this: " You need to get this degree, to get this job; you need go to bed at 9:30pm; you need to eat this …. or you are doomed etc."  Ok, I am exaggerating a little.  Real rules though are answered by these questions:  "Are you authentic when you do this?  Are you in integrity with this? Are you responsible when yo do this?  Were you enriching when you did this?"
We stopped questioning the rules that society gave us and started believing that what we felt as teens was just a childish fantasy.   We stopped believing that we carry same energy that created the Universe.  We feel we do great as parents when we  make sure that everyone is safe.
Teens feel that this is not true.  They fight against our ideas.  Some of them will loose the battle and become just like us. Later in life they might regret that they lost that battle or they become "wise" and think that everyone looses that battle and life that is full of possibilities is only for some very rare people.  Some will continue to fight in their heads and become a little weird and often misplaced adults.  Then the first group looks at this group and just confirms that they were right. It goes on and on and on.
I am thrilled that there is a place where our teens can learn to live without  "broken wings" philosophy.  It means they have a chance to get out of this endless circle and LIVE.
As for me - I am alive, my mind is functioning so I have a chance to wake up from this endless circle as so have you …. that is very good news. ;)  CHECK OUT THIS ! FOR PARENTS    Alice's songNEW BORN KINDS     


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