30 seconds!

My daughter was finishing her 8th grade and the main question was how to continue with her high school education.  So many questions! Should we stay where we were for her high school years, should we look for a different school district, and if yes where and what to look for.
During one of our trips Alice spoke to Swamiji and asked him for a support with a career in the arts.
I have to tell you that I am well aware about the "practical thinking" that says that the career of a doctor or a lawyer is a much more sure thing than something with the arts.  Only it feels like creating out of limitations vs inspiration.
One thing I realize that as a parent I should be striving only to create support structure for my children to be their highest possibility.  I have no right to give them my own ideas that come from my fears or lack of confidence.  Swamiji calls them "incompletions". I was not born with my incompletions, I accumulated them with or without help of others so they are certainly not true.
My dream was to help my children grow up with "wings".  Parents have no right to "cut" the wings because it is "safer".   What is safe by the way?  No one comes out of life alive…Just kidding...
Anyway, everything after we made a decision to find a school started happening so fast!!!  It was as if Life itself just waited for the signal to fulfill whatever we were planning.
All arts schools worth looking into required an audition.  Portfolio of work was necessary.  This part deserved a separate post I think but opening that happened in my daughter during that process was awesome.  She created a lot of beautiful art and it turned out she was a great photographer as well.  If we ever find time to put out all her art I will post links here.
Anyway, another thing was to find an apartment that would give us the "right address" to apply for all these public schools.  The search for a place started.  We lived about 1,5 away from the city and coming to check the apartments was a bit of a time issue.  Another thing was that everything was happening so fast in the city.  You look at the place and in a couple of hours it is gone.  Different life style, different pace and quite expensive too.  I made a couple of trips and had an idea of what it is .  So one day I came to the city thinking that today is the day that it would happen.  Of course I asked Swamiji to help me during my morning pooja meditation.  During my previous trips I saw places with the windows facing brick walls and crooked floors.  It felt that with this price range I could not find anything much better.  
On that trip the apartment had two windows facing a tennis court in a great part of town, and $300 under  the market price.  I loved it.  My agent and I went to the office to leave a deposit.  Actually the agent went and I started driving back to New Jersey.  No rush I thought.  Good place and if it is really good for us, Swamiji will hold it.  :) :) :)
 I got a call from the agent five minutes later that the management was ready to sign the lease but I need to come back right away.  I started turning back and …took a wrong turn and found myself crossing the bridge.  My agent kept calling and asking if I was on my way.  I was annoyed and thought to myself that people in New York were so pushy.  I was driving after all!  Finally he said :"Step on It" and I though to myself that I would never deal with this person again and kept driving back.  When I stopped in front the building. my agent was there waiting, he said three words "Run. Forth Floor"  I continued thinking that he was crazy and went to the building.  The worker was holding an elevator for me.  I arrived at the forth floor and asked: "Is this a rental place?"  There was a lady sitting in the waiting room and several people came out to look at me.
Well, this is what was happening while I was getting lost.  My agent had only $500 out of $1000 deposit.  Another person showed up with all paperwork ready and the full amount right after my agent came.  The management told my agent that if I came back before 4:45 they would give me the apartment and if not, the other lady would get it.  I showed up 30 seconds before the time was up.  Everyone laughed and I felt it was such a happy miracle.
Anyway, Alice got into the arts school in the department of graphics and illustration and later  got accepted into the Photography club at the ICP as a freshman.  We are now enjoying life in the city and miracles keep happening.
Often people say that it is not your Guru who helps but your own internal set up that creates it.  I would say, whatever but I certainly enjoy the feeling of being watched over. :) :) :)


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