This happened on November 27, 2013. I am still only in a process of recovery from this accident and although it is painful I would not miss this experience and if I were asked to change the past so that the break of my shoulder would not have happened, I would say No, No way. I was meeting my son and his girlfriend at the parking lot and when I was taking things from one car to another, my car started rolling back and I tried to hold it with my arm. I know, I know, that was really stupid. I agree completely. Why on earth I had an idea that I could hold a car that weighs…..Anyway, I fell. I actually had a weird feeling of "giving up". Not sure I can better describe it. Then it was an sharp pain in my right shoulder. My car was heading to hit other cars on the parking lot but my son came to the rescue, jumped in and stopped that moving machine... I remembered right away the techniques Swamij taught us when he broke his arm and h...