Music Video "Beautiful"

As a very supportive parent I had to learn a lot of new things.  This is normal for almost all parents of course.
I think I took it to the next level when my daughter started writing songs and I faced the reality that I had no connections in the music industry. I also have no knowledge of marketing the music, legalities of music industry. It is really a long list.  I feel I know so  little that I do not even know what I do not know.
Anyhow, What to do as Swamiji says.  After brainstorming  i started thinking who can help.
Turned out that I do not have connections to any famous people but I do have friends who are young musicians.  I got to know them through my son and I love their music,  personalities.  Also most of them are multi talented and love to take pictures, make videos, etc.  The journey started.
First clip was Beautiful,. The day started slow.  Alice was warming up to them.  After an hour and a half all three of them were running around fully involved in the process of creating.  By three I mean the director, the camera man and  Alice.  Ideas were popping up, smiles, jokes.  it was a fountain of creativity.
As an older and still more serious person than these guys I was holding the costumes and a make up kit.  Funny enough, the song is about loving and accepting yourself so make up kit does not really fly with this idea but ...I had it.  And since I saw in many movies that people use it and there are make up artists who take care of actors I attempted several times to offer them the make up kit I was holding.  I have to admit that I felt funny about it due to the meaning of the song.
Every time I would offer it they would all look at me very politely, wait until I finish the sentence and then say "thanks , we are good"  That small interruption and then the fountain will start again.
It was amazing, amazing , amazing.  Being with talented people is such a blessing!!!!
Here is the video  Hope you will enjoy!  The age of the creators:  13 is the youngest, 23 is the oldest! 


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