Independence Request - 4

My daughter was not happy today in the morning.  She woke up but not at 5:45 as planned, only at 7:10 am.  I told her not to judge herself too much since it was a new thing.  She said: "You do not understand Mom.  I noticed that when I wake up ahead of time I am fully awake when I go to school.  I am not tired and not sleepy.  When I have to rush only 4% of my brain and body in general is awake so I feel sleepy even in chorus!"
I said: "No worries dear, I am sure you will figure it out.  Let me know if I can help."
She said: "No Mom.  I just have to put a different alarm clock and stop saying to myself that I need another minute when I hear it."
Is it a  blessing or what?


  1. Totally a Blessing, Dear ! You are a good writer too, btw, Elena. As Bhaktaswami said, your sharings are fun and informative, elena. Thank you for sharing. love to you and to your lovely family.

    1. Thank you! You are very kind to me as well as Bhaktaswami. Love my Nithyananda family-friends.


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