
Several days  before Devi's Enlightenment I had some friends over.  One of the ladies brought a flower in the pot for me as a gift, Amaryllis.  The future flower had several green leaves sticking out of the pot.  Nothing promising.  Twice my girl friends gave me flowers that supposed to grow and bloom.  Never happened.  One time it did not even sprouted and the other time it died before flowering.  Whatever I was doing to these poor flowers did not work for them.
I welcomed this flower to my home with a healing energy that Swamiji initiated us into.
Four days later on a special day of Devi's enlightenment a big, pink beauty opened up. Devi's enlightenment was celebrated for three days and guess what:,  three additional flowers opened up within the next two days.
In the meantime I was using the whole flower for the pooja.  On the last day of celebrations, during pooja, I heard a crisp, clicking sound and a flower landed in my hands.  I thought:"Oh Good, they loved it"  The flower was not even fully opened.  I continued my pooja and used this flower for it.  As always with flowers used for pooja this one has stayed  looking fresh for 5 days now.  It seems that it is thinking to live forever.  I also noticed with other flowers that the smell would be the same even after several days.
Anyway, yesterday was a special day.  My son was taking a very difficult math exam.  I saw him meditating in the morning  I knew he would be in a great shape after meditation.  He left and i went to do my pooja.   I did not say "Oh, Swamiji let him pass the test,  I did ask Swamiji to bless him.  At the end of the pooja I heard the same sound; crisp and short.  Another flower fell into my hands and .. again  I used it for my pooja.
My son passed his math exam and when I came to my pooja room today, I ....found KUMKUM on the padukas.
I feel showered in love.  I enjoy all these things and keep reminding myself what an amazing world we are living in and how much we do not understand yet.  How exciting that the veil of our ignorance is lifting.  Do you feel it?


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