$10,000 Necklace

My birthday was two days ago and instead of planning one big party I decided to do several different  things with different people.  Yesterday was a spa day...
My girlfriend and I started going to the spa that is about an hour away and is run by a Russian family.  We went there  two times before.  My girlfriend loved it so she wanted to go there with me again as a part of my birthday celebration.
I have to say that it is a nice place, several saunas to choose from, a swimming pool.  If you go in the morning you have almost no people there.  It was a nice and peaceful experience.  Relaxing.  Just perfect.   We both had a light lunch, massages and felt and looked ten years younger.
It was the time to check out and we packed our things and went to the counter.  My girlfriend broke a key in her locker and she was feeling bad about that key.  The person at the counter was nice and just said that she should pay attention to what key to use next time.  We paid, left tips and went to our car.   The plan was to go to do some food shopping together because we both are trying to figure out some new healthy recipes.
We started driving.
Five minutes (or even less) later my girlfriend says: "Oh no, my necklace.."  She realized that she did not pick up a necklace from the man at the counter.  Her husband gave her that necklace when her first daughter was born.  She is so used to it that she never ever takes it off.  It also happens to be a $10,000 necklace.    We call and the guy on the phone says: "No, do not come back.  I will call you if I find it."..
Of course we are going back...
When we came to the spa in the morning, she forgot to take it off.  The heat in the sauna made it very uncomfortable to have it on so she took it off and handed it to the person at the counter along with her key to put it back into her safe deposit box but ...she did not see him putting the necklace in her box.
We explain.  He does remember about the necklace but does not really wants to search much for it.  He says that the necklace was in the bag that he gave us.  The search starts:  all bags were checked, all boxes around the counter, all corners on the floor around the counter...
My  girlfriend is upset  but she is very composed.  It starts looking strange.  
The owner comes in and looks at the security cameras video.  Everything is very clear except for the moment when the clerk is putting the necklace in the safe.  You can not see much because his back is covering the safe deposit box.
I started talking to Swamiji holding my rudraksha necklace.  I felt incredible peaceful energy going over my body.  I also got an image of the necklace.  It is hard to explain but there was a strong feeling that the necklace was there, somewhere close to us...
I went  back to the counter and asked for a search again.  The man at the counter invites me inside and I search on the floor and around.  The necklace is not there...
I go to my girlfriend and say we need to call the police.  She calls her husband and tells him that the necklace disappeared in the Russian spa and we are going to call the police.  I call my husband and he thinks that we need to do the same thing.  BTW, Thank God for iphones.  it is easy to find any number!  We call the police...
 In the meantime the owner is looking through the  tape from the video cameras and two people are searching for the necklace in the same tiny area of reception.  So you understand the size of the area, if three people are standing there, it would feel very crowded.
My girlfriend has a click: "there is no reason to ever wear an expensive jewelry".  We smile but I keep saying to her to please think that we will find it soon.
I feel such peace inside and continue speaking to Swamiji. Time passes by.  The search started at 4pm.  At six thirty the cops came and then the detective himself.  They want to take the tapes and analyze them.  We need to wait for the report...
The search now continues with three people from the spa looking for it.  Police makes comments that so far all the video footage confirms our story and the spa is "on the hook" because it is clearly seen how she gives him the necklace but nowhere you can see how she gets it back...
I still feel that the necklace is there but my main thing is to make sure my girlfriend is feeling ok.  She is thinking about her daughter's English test and she is concerned (! moms are amazing) whether she was able to get ready for it.    I call my family.  I have to say I have an awesome husband and son.  My husband took over all the duties around our house and my son went to my girlfriend's house to help her daughter to  get ready for this test.  It is 8pm now...
My girlfriend remembers about all what is connected with this necklace.  She remembers when her daughter was born and what kind of family they were at that time.  I forget for a minute about the necklace and just listen to her and feel such love towards her..
"I found it", - we hear the voice.  We look up and ...here is the necklace.  One of the people from the sauna is holding it in his hands.  He says he found it in the same spot we searched together many many many times...
I will let you think and decide for yourself what happened to the necklace and where it was hiding all that time.
The point of  this story is not only that we did get back a 10,000 dollar necklace but also the lack of stress that we experienced while we were getting it back.
The confidence of having a "Higher Authority" can not be overestimated.   Knowing that someone in charge is watching over you, gives you such tremendous amount of peace in a typical stressful situation!
It does make having this "Higher Authority" a must in today's (or really any) world.   
We stayed there long enough for this person to figure out that we do want our thing back but also the calmness that we experienced and expressed did not allow the situation to go into a whole different scenario...
And from my side of the story: "Thank you again Swamiji!"


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