Inner Awakening

It feels that Inner Awakening is totally different this time.  Well, Swamiji surely does not repeat himself.  From workouts to mediation to topics on which they focus.  Everything is different.   One thing is similar: faces that change in front of your eyes.  Women looking younger, bodies feeling lighter, habits changing.  They all notice it too and laugh and smile and joke about it.  All of them lost the feeling of time.  Friday?  Thursday?  Does not matter...
This is the schedule: They wake up at 4:30 am with the music that wakes the whole ashram.  The music goes inside your system slowly and wakes you up with an awesome vibration.  Then n-fitness: yoga and wights together.  Swimming in the healing pond, morning discourse, sessions and meditations, lunch, n-fitness, sessions and meditations, energy darshan at night and dinner.  All is done by about 10 pm.
I am writing this and someone has started drumming outside...Hard to explain all of it.  Better come and experience.  It is on the same planet, at the same time when you are here so no need to miss it!


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