From Everest to Enlightenment

My dear friend Dheera came to visit for a day this week.  His name is Martin Williams and Dheera is his spiritual name that means courage.  I met him three years ago at a training where he was one of the guest speakers and then I saw him in India during my trip to Himalayas and my last adventure at LEP.
To tell you the truth it made me think about setting goals.  Some goals need to be set of course and some steps need to be taken to achieve  them.  His talk was about his dream to go on expedition from North to South Pole on human power with a group of young people.   He also  did a lot of extreme travelling before that expedition and these travelling included the Everest Mountain.  By the way he told me that Everest is very popular (and for a good reason) but  there are mountain that present even more challenge than Everest.
Anyway, He took us through his "From Pole to Pole" jouney.  He was inspiring us to dream big, to have a vision, to feel our visions, to expand.  As he said:"Once you expand, you will not go back to where you were."   Kids from my "Peak Performance" group were working on understanding their fears and at the end he signed their papers with notes from the talk.  He told me that the  group was very thoughtful and he was sincerely happy that he had met them.
And I ....I was thinking the whole day about one thing.  I did not set up the goal to have Martin in my house speaking to my son, watching him give the Radio Interview, speaking to my students, seeing my friends meeting him in our small town in New Jersey.  I first saw him as a guest speaker for 1000 people and I sensed so strongly that he was different from other speakers, the stuff that he was teaching us was amazing and I had a lot of "aha" moments as Oprah says.   I could not visualize that he would come here. That thought would not have crossed my mind.  But once you are on a path that is right for you the Existence itself will visualize for you and these visions will be way more exciting that anything you can imagine in the beginning of the journey.  Who knows but maybe some extreme travelling is in my future?  Maybe some of my kids will go and become explores?  Maybe Maybe Maybe...
Let the Existence dream...


  1. Aha When You Dream a Dream of Jivan Mukthi and live it, The Dream Dreams You Swamiji Said It

  2. Thank you Mark for all your comments and reading.


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