Saturday afternoon. I was not planning to go a satsang. Originally I was supposed to go to a friend of mine who had Shiva Lingam but something changed and she was not hosting it. Another satsang was happening in Edison which is further away. I decided to stay home. I was updating my facebook when I saw a message inside my facebook on the computer screen "Paramahamsa Nithyananda is calling you". I could not believe my eyes. (Please read this sentence three times to feel what I felt when I saw the message.) Panicking that I do not know what to do (my technical skills need a lot of enlightenment), I started looking for a button to press to accept. No button. At that moment my phone rang. I picked it up, "Nithyanandam Ma, are you coming to satsang today?", Harikanta (our New Jersey coordinator) said. I said: "Oh, yes, I am coming." Satsang ( Sanskrit sat = true, sanga = company) in Indian philos...