Dangers of being with Enlightened Master
Ok, the biggest one is that not a single fear or incompetency of yours will stay untouched. You will need to clean all the mess and learn all that you are teaching your children to do. Every time I say that I am not good at something I end up doing just exactly what I was trying to avoid. Last drop happened yesterday. I really never liked Math. Maybe I did not spend enough hours practicing it but I was always convinced that it is not my subject and there is no way i would ever understand it. When my son was little I gave the task of helping him with Math to my husband and when it did not work out I found different Math programs (although he just got his Bachelor with majoring in Math and minoring in Physics). Anyway, now my daughter is in six grade and I am still avoiding her math homework. I was speaking to a friend of mine who is a full time volunteer in the ashram now. She is putting different amazing programs together. The plan is to cr...