
Showing posts from April, 2013


Vampires... During my last trip to Moscow Russia, I noticed that people were calling other people  energy vampires meaning that some people are tiring to be around or one may feel drained after a conversation as these people  “eat” their energy.  I remembered that I used to have experiences like that too!!!   So one day, after spending time with one of my dear friends, she said to me: “I enjoy your energy so much.  it is light and refreshing and happy”.  Then she stopped and said: “But please do not worry, I am not an energy vampire, I won’t pull it from you.”  I laughed and said: “Please do!  Take as much as you need.  I do not have my energy, I am connected to my Guru and His energy is limitless and goes to everyone who needs it.  I am just enjoying the process.”   I now again see that another idea left my system.  I always wanted to be a healer.  Now I know that I am because I realize over and over that I am not ...

Responisibility/ Smart or ....

This story is from a marketing seminar that I attended last fall.   A beautiful girl was sitting on the stage getting advice on how to present her company.  The speaker asked her: “What do you do?” She said “We are a group of professional organizers who will midwife your life into a new beginning”.  The crowd went silent.  What?  Turned out she had a company that organizers or de-clutters houses to be exact.  DId you get it from the description?  Well, she was a Yale and Harvard graduate.  I think a lot of educated people suffer from this “let me complicate stuff so it sounds more important.”   I remember I read once a book by a professor of the Russian Language.  I will skip the name.  I remember only that after reading several pages I thought to myself:”He enjoys his own mind more than he cares about the readers.”  I never finished his book.  Whatever we do we have to enrich others , not enrich our own ego....

Remembering Scott Mason

Scott passed April 1, 2013.   It has been almost a month and I only now can write about it.    I was thinking what do I want to remember if I read my own journal ten years from now.   I realized that I want to remember all that incredible love and support that I experienced from him.  It is really selfish of me but my life was so much better with him in it.  Life of my daughter was so much better with him in it.  I feel so grateful even for the tears that are pouring now because I had a privilege to meet him and an honor to call him a friend.  He was a special soul.  It was as if his job was to make sure there are results in the projects that he is involved in and that people who he thought needed to be appreciated were in fact feeling appreciated.   His last words to me were: “I get you Lena.  I understand you.  I see you.  Not many people can understand but I can, I see it so clearly.  I see the spirit....