
Showing posts from November, 2012

A 4 year old boy asked me the other day...

A 4 year old boy asked me the other day :"Ms, Lena, Do you know that God is in everything? Even in my sock?" I said: "Yes, dear, I realize that now." He said:" I keep wondering how I am not smashing God when I put my sock on?"...

Gratitude or Being Like Santa!

I talked the other day with a caring person who feels that there is no gratitude towards his actions from his family but at the same time he felt that the family was grateful to God. I thought to myself that if the family felt grateful to God, they surely knew that even that person was a part of God and then how that person could be excluded from their gratitude circle?! This talk left me with a feeling that everyone only sees what they are conditioned to see.  No one can really prove anything unless the other person's mind is programmed to see goodness in others.  Maybe one must have faith in others first and then he or she would be able to see that goodness in the world outside.  I was not able to convey that message in the conversation with that person. I then  thought that kids often feel happy and grateful for no reason.  They do not really need a big proof that they are loved or cared for.   We also do not need much from them,  right?  J...

Art and Your Life

Even before one realizes that everything is Art, one can still look at art as an incredible tool that is  there for you throughout your whole life. The features and the benefits are different but the tool is still the same,  Amazing. 0 -7 y.o.- art is a way of exploring and enjoying everything.  Incredible brain development tool! 7 - 14 y.o. - still is an incredible tool for brain development but now a child creates his or her own tool box or skills that will be useful for the rest of their lives (learning resourcefulness  creating an open-minded personalities, ability to see a big picture, etc). 14 and up - self-therapy, breakthroughs, exploration of yourself, self realizations....

Why Nithyananda? He includes us all vs labeling and dividing....

I am so grateful for Nithyananda Ashrams and centers:  "Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is a public charity formed with an intention of propagating yoga and meditation worldwide. It is not a place of only Hindu worship but a Universal worship place,  where people belonging to all religions, who participate in the yoga and meditation programs do meditation. " They were under attack for this philosophy for a while but it is finally coming to an end. Thank God!

How I met Swamiji or Paramahamsa Nithyananda

How did I meet Swamiji or Pramahamsa Nithyananda   I was attending a "wizard" camp conducted by Peak Potentials Company.  It is a great camp to develop your intuition and learn about different life improving techniques.  It was in 2007, upstate New York, Catskill Mountains. One day was dedicated to meditation.  The speaker had an impressive biography:  first person on the planet Earth who was a guide at the three extreme challenges: Mt. Everest, North and South Pole. At that time I was going to the Buddhist Monastery every week, sometimes for lectures but most of the time to meditate.  Our Bodhi Monastery has a room  where monks meditate early in the morning and after that it is available and open for public.  The energy is great there.  I was new to meditation but I was able to sit for 2 hours in that room.  Amazing. Anyway, his name was Martin Williams.  He started explaining how our mind worked and what chakras or energ...

My new project: "Paint your breakthrough!"

I decided to start a podcast to share my ideas, maybe even create a movement to bring ART back to our schools - and not just any art but high quality art classes because no one needs another "paint by numbers" class! I will be creating and sharing lesson plans, easy techniques that everyone can use at home for themselves or their children or maybe even start Art groups in their communities! My gratitude to those of you who will support this idea by listening, sharing, requesting topics that you are curious about.   To give you an example, a friend of mine and a parent of my school (Have I ever mentioned I have an art and music school ,, asked me what I thought about the so called "10,000 hours" rule.  I will do a podcast about that! Please  forgive me if I speak too fast or too slow or whatever.  I have never done this before but I feel I have to share and maybe then someone who can do it outstandingly well will get inspired and the moveme...

Birthday Miracles.

My very first one was a message from Swamiji.  How awesome it was to get it?  VERY!  This is what it said: "Hello ma. Nithyanandam to you forever. And wish you many more happy returns of this wonderful day ma. And each and every morning while wake up is the day of your birth ma. have a blissful day ma. Bye." I love birthdays and there is that special urge to feel loved by Existence on that day.  Of course if every day is our birth day it gives us so many opportunities to feel that, right? I started the day with puja and meditation.  I have a rose tree, by the name Miss Bliss.  I wrote about it last year.  Believe it or not, it had a rose for me for my birthday again this year and ...some unopen buds too!  I took the rose and cut the branch with unopened buds to put the last ones in the water.  By the way, three days later my unopened bud opened up!  My flower miracles this year also included fresh petunias.   It...