Prasada from 21 temples and Shiva
During we had a special day when prasada (food offering) from 21 temples was brought to the ashram for Swamiji. We were gathered in a big hall. Three long tables were holding photos of the temples and the samples of food that arrived from these temples. The samples were places in front of the picture of the temple from which they were brought. Participants and kids from eN-Genious were sitting on the floor with huge, bright green banana leaves in front of them. Swamiji sat with everybody. Volunteers started serving all these different kinds of foods that arrived to the ashram from all over India. Some temples sent more than one sample so variety of different tastes was amazing. I was sitting behind my old girlfriend Lena and new (but felt like old) girlfriend Julia, Swamiji was speaking from time to time so I figured that I should stay with Lena to make sure she understands everything and I can ...